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The America’s Health Rankings Health Disparities Report documents the nation’s progress toward closing gaps in health and well-being across subpopulation groups by educational attainment, gender, geography and race and ethnicity. In doing so, it identifies where there has been progress for subpopulation groups across a breadth of indicators, where disparities have persisted and where they have further deepened.
The following tables highlight some of the most notable national trends in subpopulation groups across a variety of measures, including social and economic, physical environment, clinical care, behaviors and health outcomes over more than the last decade. These trends are displayed side-by-side with the highest level of disparity faced by the subpopulation group during the most recent time period. Together, the highlights identify where promising progress has been made, where trends have worsened, and where more work is needed to close deep, persistent and in some cases growing gaps. The sections that follow provide a deeper dive into these measures and key trends.


