America's Health Rankings, United Health Foundation Logo
An estimated 58 million US adults, or 28.1%, report having none of the five unhealthy behaviors analyzed (Table 1). Approximately 36.0% report one unhealthy behavior and 23.9% report two unhealthy behaviors, while 12.0% report having multiple unhealthy behaviors (MUBs), defined as any combination of three or more of the following five unhealthy behaviors: smoking, physical inactivity, excessive drinking, obesity, and insufficient sleep. (Figure 1). Among the five individual behaviors analyzed, insufficient sleep is the most common (see Appendix 2). '
Table 1 - Percentage and Estimated Population of Zero through Five Unhealthy Behaviors Among US Adults (BRFSS 2014)Download the PDF for details

*Unhealthy behaviors: Smoking, obesity, physical inactivity, excessive drinking, and insufficient sleep. Multiple unhealthy behaviors (MUBs) is any combination of three or more of the five unhealthy behaviors. **Estimated number of adults

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Figure 1 - Prevalence of Zero through Five Unhealthy Behaviors* Among US Adults (BRFSS 2014)-01Download the PDF for details

*Unhealthy behaviors: Smoking, obesity, physical inactivity, excessive drinking, and insufficient sleep.