America's Health Rankings, United Health Foundation Logo


Air Pollution*

Average exposure of the general public to particulate matter of 2.5 microns (PM2.5) or less in size
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2015-2017

Frequent Mental Distress

Percentage of women ages 18-44 years who reported their mental health was not good 14 or more days in the past 30 days
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2016-2017

Severe Housing Problems

Percentage of occupied housing units with at least one of four problems: lack complete kitchen facilities, lack of plumbing facilities, severely crowded,or severely cost-burdened occupants
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Comprehensive Housing Assessment Strategy, 2011-2015


Flourishing (Ages 0-5)

Percentage of children ages 6 months-5 years who show affection, resilience, interest and curiosity in learning, and smile and laugh a lot
National Survey of Children's Health, 2016-2017



Percentage of children ages 0-17 who currently have asthma
National Survey of Children's Health, 2016-2017

Children in Poverty

Percentage of children younger than 18 who live in households below the poverty threshold
American Community Survey, 2017

Detracting Neighborhood Elements

Percentage of children ages 0-17 who live in a neighborhood where there is litter or garbage on the street or sidewalk, poorly kept or rundown housing, and vandalism such as broken windows and graffiti
National Survey of Children's Health, 2016-2017

Flourishing (Ages 6-17)

Percentage of children ages 6-17 who show self-regulation, interest and curiosity in learning, and work to finish tasks
National Survey of Children's Health, 2016-2017

Housing With Lead Risk

Percentage of housing stock with potential elevated lead risk due to age of housing
American Community Survey, 2017

Mental Health Care

Percentage of children ages 3-17 with a mental or behavioral health condition who receive treatment or counseling
National Survey of Children's Health, 2016-2017

Preventive Dental Care

Percentage of children ages 1-17 who had one or more preventive dental care visits during the past 12 months
National Survey of Children's Health, 2016-2017

Students Experiencing Homelessness

Percentage of public school students who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence
National Center for Education Statistics, Digest of Education Statistics 2017, 2015-2016
* Calculated measure using the U.S. Census Bureau’s Annual Estimates of the Resident Population: April 1, 2010 to July 1 2017 as the denominator.