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New Hampshire Value:
Percentage of children in foster care with three or more placements within 12 months
New Hampshire Rank:
Appears In:
Percentage of children in foster care with three or more placements within 12 months
<= 10.7%
10.8% - 14.1%
14.2% - 16.2%
16.3% - 19.6%
>= 19.7%
US Value: 15.2%
Top State(s): Rhode Island: 7.9%
Bottom State(s): South Carolina: 26.6%
Definition: Percentage of children in foster care with three or more placements within 12 months
Data Source and Years(s): U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Children's Bureau, Child Welfare Outcomes Report Series, 2021
Suggested Citation: America's Health Rankings analysis of U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Children's Bureau, Child Welfare Outcomes Report Series, United Health Foundation, AmericasHealthRankings.org, accessed 2025.
Children need consistency, predictability and attachment to caring adults to thrive. This is especially true for children in foster care, who have often experienced trauma leading up to their foster placement.
The trauma of unstable or negative foster care experiences can cause both short-term and lifelong consequences. Physical, mental and emotional health issues associated with foster care include:
Children at risk of increased foster care instability include:
Strategies to improve foster care stability include:
Healthy People 2030 has a goal to increase the proportion of adolescents in foster care who show signs of being ready for adulthood.
Courtney, Mark E., Amy Dworsky, Adam Brown, Colleen Cary, Kara Love, and Vanessa Vorhies. “Midwest Evaluation of the Adult Functioning of Former Foster Youth: Outcomes at Age 26.” Chicago, IL: Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago, 2011. https://www.chapinhall.org/wp-content/uploads/Midwest-Eval-Outcomes-at-Age-26.pdf.
Edwards, Frank, Theresa Rocha Beardall, and Hannah Curtis. “American Indian and Alaska Native Overexposure to Foster Care and Family Surveillance in the US: A Quantitative Overview of Contemporary System Contact.” Children and Youth Services Review 149 (June 2023): 106915. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2023.106915.
Miranda, Megan, Eman Tadros, and Elizabeth Molla. “The Experience of Foster Care and Long-Term Attachment.” The American Journal of Family Therapy 48, no. 1 (January 1, 2020): 87–106. https://doi.org/10.1080/01926187.2019.1679053.
Moore, Terry D., Thomas P. McDonald, and Kari Cronbaugh. “Summary of ECAP Research Findings.” Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas, School of Social Welfare, 2023. https://fostercaretech.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/ECAP-KU-SoSW-Research-Summary.pdf.
Noonan, Kathleen, David Rubin, Robin Mekonnen, Sarah Zlotnik, and Amanda O’Reilly. “Securing Child Safety, Well-Being, and Permanency Through Placement Stability in Foster Care.” Evidence to Action Briefs. PolicyLab at CHOP Research Institute, Fall 2009. https://policylab.chop.edu/sites/default/files/pdf/publications/PolicyLab_EtoA_CSAW_Fall_2009.pdf.
Smithgall, Cheryl, Robert Matthew Gladden, Eboni Howard, Robert Goerge, and Mark Courtney. “Educational Experiences of Children in Out-Of-Home Care.” Chicago, IL: Chapin Hall Center for Children at the University of Chicago, 2004. https://www.chapinhall.org/wp-content/uploads/Smithgall_Educational-Experiences-Children-Out-of-Home_Report_2004.pdf.
Stott, Tonia. “Placement Instability and Risky Behaviors of Youth Aging Out of Foster Care.” Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal 29, no. 1 (February 2012): 61–83. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10560-011-0247-8.
Wedeles, Julia. “Placement Stability in Child Welfare.” PARTicle, 2016. https://www.oacas.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/PARTicle-Placement-Stability-in-Child-Welfare-FINAL.pdf.
America’s Health Rankings builds on the work of the United Health Foundation to draw attention to public health and better understand the health of various populations. Our platform provides relevant information that policymakers, public health officials, advocates and leaders can use to effect change in their communities.
We have developed detailed analyses on the health of key populations in the country, including women and children, seniors and those who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces, in addition to a deep dive into health disparities across the country.