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Diabetes in Wyoming

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Percentage of adults who reported ever being told by a health professional that they had diabetes (excluding prediabetes and gestational diabetes)

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Value and rank based on data from 2023

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Diabetes by State

Percentage of adults who reported ever being told by a health professional that they had diabetes (excluding prediabetes and gestational diabetes)

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Data from CDC, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2023

<= 9.8%

9.9% - 11.3%

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12.3% - 13.2%

>= 13.3%

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  • CDC, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2023

Diabetes Trends

Percentage of adults who reported ever being told by a health professional that they had diabetes (excluding prediabetes and gestational diabetes)

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About Diabetes

US Value: 11.5%

Top State(s): Utah: 7.8%

Bottom State(s): West Virginia: 18.2%

Definition: Percentage of adults who reported ever being told by a health professional that they had diabetes (excluding prediabetes and gestational diabetes)

Data Source and Years(s): CDC, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2023

Suggested Citation: America's Health Rankings analysis of CDC, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, United Health Foundation,, accessed 2025.

Diabetes was the nation’s eighth-leading cause of death in the United States in 2022, accounting for more than 100,000 deaths. People with diabetes are twice as likely to have heart disease or a stroke than those without diabetes. There are three types of diabetes: Type 1, Type 2 and gestational (diabetes while pregnant). Type 2 diabetes accounts for 90% to 95% of all cases. 

Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure, lower-limb amputations and blindness among adults. In 2021, 14.7% of the United States population, or 38.1 million adults, are estimated to have diabetes, 8.7 million of whom are undiagnosed. 

Diabetes costs the United States an estimated $413 billion annually in direct medical costs and lost work.

According to America’s Health Rankings analysis, the prevalence of diabetes is higher among:

  • Men compared with women.
  • Adults ages 65 and older compared with adults ages 18-64.
  • American Indian/Alaska Native and Black adults compared with Asian adults.
  • Adults with less than a high school education compared with those with higher levels of education.
  • Adults with an annual household income less than $25,000 compared with those with higher levels of income. The prevalence of diabetes decreases with each increase in income level. 
  • Adults living in nonmetropolitan areas compared with those in metropolitan areas.
  • Adults who have difficulty with self-care or mobility compared with adults without a disability.
  • Straight adults compared with lesbian, gay, bisexual and queer (LGBQ+) adults.
  • Adults who have served in the U.S. armed forces compared with those who have not served.

Type 2 diabetes is influenced by many risk factors that are amenable to change, such as smoking, overweight and obesity, physical inactivity and high blood pressure. Strategies to reduce your risk for Type 2 or gestational diabetes include losing weight for those who are overweight, eating a healthy diet and getting enough regular physical activity.

The National Diabetes Prevention Program, a partnership of public and private organizations working to prevent or delay Type 2 diabetes, includes an evidence-based lifestyle change program focusing on healthy eating and physical activity.

Currently, there are no known ways to prevent Type 1 diabetes; however, it can be managed by following a doctor’s recommendations for a healthy lifestyle, controlling blood sugar and getting regular health checkups. 

Diabetes management is critical to preventing complications from the disease. It may be managed through a healthy diet and physical activity, as well as insulin or oral diabetes medicines. More information on diabetes prevention and management can be found on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s diabetes webpage and through the American Diabetes Association

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends screening for prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes among adults ages 35-70 who are overweight or have obesity. Additionally, the Community Preventive Services Task Force has identified interventions to prevent or manage diabetes, including intensive lifestyle interventions, mobile phone applications and team-based care for patients with Type 2 diabetes.

The National Clinical Care Commission report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services discusses population-level strategies for federal programs in order to prevent and control diabetes. The report emphasizes the need for federal agencies to promote the consumption of water over sugar-sweetened beverages, support breastfeeding individuals and expand housing opportunities for low-income individuals and families in areas with access to healthy food, green space and walkability.

Healthy People 2030 has many diabetes-related objectives, including:

  • Reducing the number of diabetes cases diagnosed yearly.
  • Reducing the death rate in adults with diabetes.
  • Increasing the proportion of people with diabetes who get formal diabetes education.

Herman, William H., Dean Schillinger, Shari Bolen, John M. Boltri, Ann Bullock, William Chong, Paul R. Conlin, et al. “The National Clinical Care Commission Report to Congress: Recommendations to Better Leverage Federal Policies and Programs to Prevent and Control Diabetes.” Diabetes Care 46, no. 2 (February 1, 2023): 255–61.

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America’s Health Rankings builds on the work of the United Health Foundation to draw attention to public health and better understand the health of various populations. Our platform provides relevant information that policymakers, public health officials, advocates and leaders can use to effect change in their communities.

We have developed detailed analyses on the health of key populations in the country, including women and children, seniors and those who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces, in addition to a deep dive into health disparities across the country.