by America's Health Rankings, 12/06/2022
Building on last year’s analysis, this special edition of the Annual Report represents the America’s Health Rankings® platform’s broadest portrait to date of the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact, analyzing more than 80 measures at the national and state levels to understand the impact of the pandemic at its height in 2020 and 2021. It also illustrates the pandemic’s distinct toll on different racial and ethnic groups using data from the new COVID-era Disparities Survey, fielded online by Morning Consult in October 2022, which collected direct insights from individuals affected by the pandemic.
The resources below can help you share these insights with your colleagues and communities with the goal of enacting change. America’s Health Rankings encourages you to download the resources and use them to raise awareness about the importance of addressing the complex barriers to health experienced by various populations across the nation.
- 2022 America’s Health Rankings Annual Report Executive Brief
- 2022 America’s Health Rankings Annual Report Customizable Newsletter Template
- 2022 America’s Health Rankings Annual Report Key Highlights Slide Deck
Suggested Uses for the America’s Health Rankings Annual Report Action Toolkit:
- Customize the Newsletter Template and share in your organization’s next newsletter or organization-wide email.
- Share the Executive Brief on social media and describe how you’ll use the findings to address disparities and inequities among racial/ethnic minorities and improve health.
- Link to the Executive Brief on your website and encourage your colleagues and network to learn more about the health challenges individuals continue to face related to and exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Print the Executive Brief and distribute it at your next in-person event or conference.
- Use data from the Executive Brief or other America’s Health Rankings materials in conversations with public health leaders and policymakers as you advocate for solutions to ensure communities across the nation can thrive.
America’s Health Rankings also encourages you to visit toolkits from past reports for insights on other populations:
- 2022 America’s Health Rankings Health of Women and Children Report
- 2022 America’s Health Rankings Health of Those Who Have Served Report
- 2022 America’s Health Rankings Senior Report
Please contact us here with any questions at all regarding the data, Toolkit, reports or web platform.