America's Health Rankings, United Health Foundation Logo

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Don't show me this again
by America's Health Rankings, 05/17/2022
The 10th annual America’s Health Rankings® Senior Report reviews the past decade of data to provide a comprehensive look at the health of older Americans, capturing key trends, challenges and areas of progress in order to spark meaningful dialogue and action to improve senior health.
The resources below can help you share these data insights with your colleagues and communities to enact change. America’s Health Rankings encourages you to download the resources and use them to raise awareness about the importance of re-engaging America’s seniors with their communities after this recent period of isolation.
Suggested Uses for the America’s Health Rankings Senior Report Action Toolkit:
  • Customize the sample Newsletter Template and share in your organization’s next newsletter or organization-wide email.
  • Share the Executive Brief on social media and describe how you’ll use the findings to re-engage older adults in your community after the period of isolation brought on by the pandemic.
  • Link to the Executive Brief on your website and encourage your colleagues and network to learn more about the health challenges facing older adults.
  • Print the Executive Brief and distribute it at your next in-person event or conference.
  • Use data from the Executive Brief or other America’s Health Rankings materials in conversations with public health leaders and policymakers as you advocate for solutions to senior health challenges.
America’s Health Rankings also encourages you to visit toolkits from past reports for insights on other populations:
Please contact us here with any questions at all regarding the data, Toolkit, reports or web platform.